酒庄 JIU ZHUANG | Established Since Your First Drink

酒庄 JIU ZHUANG | 6D Dempsey Road Singapore 247664

ONLINE Reservations | Call us: +65 8683 9930

| 4PM to 1AM
TUE TO FrI | 12PM to 1AM
SAT | 11AM to 1AM
SUN | 11AM to 10:30PM

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🥡 Takeaway Menu with Islandwide Delivery & Pick Up Available

🌝Mid-Autumn Festival🌝 at 酒莊 JIU ZHUANG | 24th September 2018

酒莊JIUZHUANG 陪您一起过中秋
🌝Mid-Autumn Festival — the day when the moon shine the brightest and the roundest — a day of gathering with friends and families. A time to give thanks.
📞Book a table: 6466 6676
团聚• 賞月• 吃月餅 • 感想 • 鳴謝